Saturday, August 6, 2011

Long-lived dog after shot 40 times in the head and Buried

This is probably the worst case experienced by animals. A dog was shot 40 times in the head, tied up, and then buried alive by leaving only his nose in the sand surface. But, by God's power .. the dog was still alive. Dog crosses (mongrel crossbreed), named the 'Star' by his rescuer was found near the city of Birzebbuga, Malta. The dog was found by officers when it actually is investigating other cases.

When are conducting an investigation, the officer heard a dog whimper from under the wooden boards that a large tree crushed a piece of wood. When checking the direction of the groaning sound, the officer was very surprised to see a dog buried with only the condition of the nose is left on the surface of the sand.

When digging the sand to lift the poor dog, other terror occurs. The four legs 'Star' was tied and can not move at all. Terror has not stopped up there. 'Star' was shot as many as 40 times. Miraculously, the doctors managed to take 40 bullets lodged in his head 'Star' through a stressful operation at the Hospital Ta 'Qali.

'Stars' survived. However, this animal abuse incident has sparked public anger fire. They demanded that the punishment of the perpetrators of animal abuse should be compounded into one year imprisonment and a fine of 46,500 euros sanctions. Animal lovers group next week plans to hold a silent action in protest over the actions 'disgusting' to 'Star'. Others provide support through facebook where the number has reached 7000 followers.

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