Saturday, August 6, 2011

Nahani (Valley of The Headless Men)

Earth is still a lot of mystery that can not be explained by science. In this post, I will discuss about the place - a mysterious place that spread in various parts of the world. Whether or not the story I'm also not sure, but at least still interesting to discuss.

At a place called the Valley Nahanni, there are many strange events. In these places often found the bodies of animals and humans without heads. This valley itself extends up to 250 miles in the mountains of Canada Mackenzie.

Hot springs and geysers make this region is always covered with fog that makes it more mysterious valley. Interest - the local tribes who settled around the place did not dare to enter the Nahanni Valley region. Because it is still shrouded in mystery until now, many suspect that the Nahanni Valley is an entrance to a secret place that has not been publicly known before. Because human bodies are often found headless in the region, the Valley has another sebuatan, the Valley of the Headless Men.

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