Friday, August 5, 2011


Animal-bodied bats, monkey-headed

This animal was first seen by Dr.Ernest Bartels in 1925 when it was down the Mount Salak, West Java, Indonesia. At that time Ernest was Exploring the waterfalls on the slopes of the mountain, and suddenly a giant bat swooping over his head.

Animals dark-gray fur is shaped like a bat, such as monkey-headed, and big eyes and black. His body can be for children aged one year with a wingspan can reach 10 feet (3 meters).

In 1927, around 11:30 at night, when Ernest Bartels lay in his bed in a cottage near the river "Tjidjengkol", West Java, Indonesia, he heard a strange noise from the cabin. The voice that reads "... Ahool Ahool ...". Ernest took the torch and examine the origin of the sound, and saw a giant bat that she saw in 1925. That is why this animal is called Ahool.

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